You'll want power after a hurricane, at least a little bit. In
this short video, some guy shows you how to set up a dinky 20w system for $100. It'll run a light or two, recharge a cell phone, recharge a laptop, let you recharge NiMH AA & AAA batteries, run a CB or ham radio (go easy on that last one), and
not much else. Which is kind of the entire point: when you've got exactly nothing else after a hurricane, just a little bit of power can go a long way.
Think about what this provides. If the local cell towers are still functioning, you've got more or less normal levels of communications. If they're out, your new-ish cell phone likely does satellite texting, so you can at least tell family that you're OK. I can tell you from personal experience that the worst part of losing power for three weeks is a lack of even one light to read by. Having just one light in the living room, oh man, what a luxury.
The video has Amazon links to buy the stuff, and though the video's a year old, the $100 price is still in the ballpark. This project is easy. Plenty of time to order, get it in, test everything, have it ready come June 1st.
Of course there are bigger systems that will do more. But maybe that beautiful 12KW generator won't crank. It happens more often than you'd think. A hundred bucks for a backup system is pretty cheap. Or maybe all you've got is a $100 for backup power. This minimalist system can make all the difference. Get on it, hurricane season will be here before you know it.