Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Zombie War Continues

At least a few people are talking about restoring some sanity and ending this whole switch-your-clocks-twice-a-year madness.  As seen over at the NYT: Springing forward to daylight saving time is obsolete, confusing, and unhealthy critics say  If for no other reason than, as mentioned in the article linked at yesterday's post, to avoid the on-average five additional traffic deaths correlated with this idiocy each year.

My take is that there were a lot of bad ideas that came into fashion in the 1910's: personal income tax, eugenics, prohibition, World War I and – minor yet annoying – DST.  It's like there was some cultural madness that took hold in that era.  It is high time that we reclaim what sanity remains to us and, for a start, simply set our clocks once and leave them there.

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