Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Yaesu FT-70 Split Programming

In keeping with yesterday's "write it down, pass it on" post, here's Yet Another on programming an FT-70.  You can do this using Chirp as well (link), but sometimes it's handy to do it manually.  And yes, for you AMSAT folks out there, it does work for cross-band between 2m and 70cm.

First watch Ham Radio-Scanner's brief video, just over 2 minutes.  Now on to the checklist!
  1. Turn Radio ON.
  2. Press [V/M] key to go to VFO mode.
  3. Dial in receive frequency, modes, codes, etc.
  4. Save by press & holding the [V/M] key.
  5. Enter the channel name the usual way.  (So far this is regular kbd programming;  review.)
  6. Press [V/M] key to go to VFO mode.
  7. Dial in transmit frequency.
  8. Press & hold the [V/M] key.  Release.
  9. Dial back to the channel # used for the receive.
  10. Key mic and hold (don't worry, it won't transmit) while pressing [V/M].
  11. Go back to memory mode and confirm "- +" in the top display.

Remember "press" means press momentarily, while "press and hold" means for a second or so.

Finally, all of these cross-links are getting cumbersome.  If you want to find the rest of my stuff on the FT-70, use the search bar.  There aren't that many posts to dig through.

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