Monday, August 19, 2024

Back from Huntsville Hamfest

Busy unpacking at the moment, but here's a pic from the youtuber forum.  It was an interesting time.

Highlights from the forum (that I can remember):
  • Kids who do ham radio often drop out, only to return 20-30 years later.  So be patient.
  • 20, 30, & 40-somethings are kind of out on their own if they want to get into radio.  Online resources are a great help for them though.
  • Boring club meetings that slavishly follow Robert's Rules of Order are b o r i n g and drive young people away.  Start off meetings with a tech presentation, preferably with gear instead of slides.  Have a business meeting another evening, if you must have one at all.
  • "Weekdays at 6pm" (or similar) is prime-time for family and for people with jobs.  Don't try to schedule meetings then, because you'll lose out every time.  Instead, look at Saturdays.
  • The successful path to a youtube channel is consistency.  Post a video every week, and you may (may!) start to gain traction after a year and a half.
  • Ham radios and other gear do just fine in 14,000 foot falls, but don't do it on purpose.
Now my one question:
  1. What is it with the beards?  Twelve of the seventeen YouTubers had beards, and that's including the one woman on the panel.  (Just to be clear, she's one of the four without.)  I have no idea.  Shoulda asked, but allergies were tearing my sinuses up at the session.
More – much more – tomorrow.  Or possibly later in the week.

ps: Link to the hamfest's web site.  Also, here's a pic of some of the panel, shamelessly swiped from the web site.  Six out of seven sporting at least a mustache.  I mean, what's up with that?

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