Friday, July 19, 2024

WFD 2024 Results Up

Rainy weather and changes in rules kind of threw me for a loop this year, but it was still fun and I'll be back next year – January 25 & 26, 2025 to be exact.  In the meantime, here's the Winter Field Day site, and here's my wrap-up post from last January.  Lots of discussion on improvements for next year at that blog post, especially on the new "Objectives" categories.  Also, the FT-710 will be field-ready by then – it is the "Field" version after all, and it's about to get field-i-er when the roll cage arrives later this week.  That'll leave the FT-857d free to monitor VHF & UHF bands.

Well, in the meantime below are the results.  Not bad at all for four hours of goofing around at 5 watts.

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