Maybe. Perhaps. Seems likely. Article at Living Life Fearless.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Monday, March 24, 2025
Two Innovations? for the MTB World
Both articles over at Singletracks online mag that caught my eye:
- 32" Wheels – I'll let somebody else try'em first. 29" is already pretty big for these woods trails.
- E-biker runs out of juice, stranded for 30 hours – This is everybody's big fear around e-bikes, what everybody talks about. First time I've heard of it actually happening though. Me, my fuel supply is good for (weights self, grabs gut, shakes head) two or three weeks' run-time.
With that, I'm sort of recovered from the Santos trip and the FCEM trailer & radio testing in Tate's Hell. More on the radio testing soon.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Two Graphics for This Evening
Found at various sources around the web earlier today.
Don't be on the red stripes. (Been there, done that; would not recommend without a robust seasonal plan.) Elsewhere no guarantees either, but hey, you place your bets & you take your chances.
Friday, March 21, 2025
Santos Fat Tire Fest 2025, Success!
I've been trying to get to this post for TWO WEEKS NOW but life kept getting in the way! Yeah, the Santos FTF was great this year. The trails for the 50 mile Epic ride on Saturday were well marked and in great shape. We had a little sprinkle blow through just after I'd passed about the 33 mile mark – just enough to settle the dust and make the rest of the ride pleasant. Saw lots of friends. It's funny, after four years there are people you meet up with, just there.
Also, I have to give a shout out to the Shimano tent for a quick consult on my hydraulic brakes.
Tried an HF radio connection with the Franklin County EOC. I was running the QRP FT-817nd with a big five watts; the FCEM director was running the FT-450d with 100 watts. I could hear her, but she could just barely hear me. Maybe the ionosphere will be better next year, or maybe I'll just bring a 100 watt radio and knock it out of the park. Anyway, it was a fun try.
The Thursday night band, The Klunkers, was great. 100% mountain bike-certified, if you recognize the name. Friday night... some loud jam band, no great thing. Then Saturday night was a real treat with Ravon Steely Rhoden Band playing a bunch of Caribbean stuff that everyone knew, everything from serious reggae to... more pop tunes. You had to be there to appreciate it. The jello shots may have helped the party along.
I'm leaving a lot of stuff out, but you get the general ideal. Anyway, great time, will be back next year.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Urban Noise Article at the BBC
It's short and not particularly quantitative, but it is informative. Go and read. More later.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
One for Today
Still a little behind the curve and life in general – even though today was a raging success. More later.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Placeholder for a Busy Week
More later, but here's an "I'm ok" placeholder. The Santos Fat Tire Festival went well, no serious crashes for any of the 900 riders, including me. Which is some kind of miracle.
Yep, more later.
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