Saturday, July 17, 2010

Movie Review: Predators

Advertises itself as a sci-fi action adventure movie, but really is only a slasher flick with features shamelessly lifted from the original 1987 film.  Pathetic.  The aliens, fresh and imaginative in 1987, are just the same-old same-old here.  There is so much territory to be explored with those creatures: Why do they hunt?  Did they develop their tech, or are they in turn being watched by a more advanced race?  We don't learn much about them in this movie, beyond that there are more-or-less two types of them and they don't like each other.  What a boring lack of imagination.  Most of the humans are completely disgusting people; the best of them are merely hiding a deep flaw.  Wouldn't want to spend time in the cell next to some of these creeps.  How bad are they?  About a half hour in, it dawned on me: the title applies to the humans as well.
One star out of four: a half star for competent special effects (meh), and another half star for the semi-clever title.  I'm being generous.

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