Monday, December 24, 2018

Movie Review: The Expendables 3

Don't set your hopes too high for this one, just sit back with a glass of whisky and enjoy the explosions.  Of course there are some odd plot twists, and of course Mel Gibson is the hiss-at-him evil mastermind here.  As for the rest of the cast, it's just too much to list here.  It has enough of a plot  to hang the action on, all that can be expected.

I'm not sure why this movie got such low ratings from the critics.  It's not like any of these movies stood out, or tried to be anything more than they appear to be.  Maybe casting Gibson offended some sensibilities, or maybe it's just because a third helping was one too many for some.  Anyway, it was released in 2014, and almost five years on it seems unlikely any more will be made.  Wrapping it up with a third flick and going out with a bang feels about right.

Ridiculous?  Of course!  Big dumb fun?  You bet.  3 out of 4 stars.

ps: Expendables 4?  Sure why not.  Looks like it's in pre-production.

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