Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Jazz Fest Schedule is Up

Link here.

As always, there's an interesting bunch playing if you dig through the pile.  THE headliner act is the Rolling Stones, who take over the entire fairgrounds at the end of Locals Thursday.  Not my thing, but I wish them all well.  After that, Buffett plays the second Sunday afternoon, Van Morrison is in the mix another day, and ... so forth.

Finally, and what's always the best part, is just wandering around from stage to stage, stopping to take in something great that I never would have heard of otherwise.  I always try to anchor a day – my usual one day there – on a headliner act, but it's really the other, smaller acts that end up being the best.

Anyway, the schedule's up.  Watch for a follow-up post in a month or so.

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