Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Dwarf Cypress Forest in Tate's Hell

Here's all about a short adventure from last week: the dwarf cypress forest in Tate's Hell State Forest  I'd explain about it, but the description, pictures, and video at the link are more in-depth that I'm going into at the moment.  One thing to note however is that all of the visuals at that link were evidently done in winter, when the cypress trees are bare.  Here's a much nicer pic showing their summertime verdant colors:

Yeah, how about that?  The trees themselves seemed to all top out at around 15 feet, where they twist over and bush out any extra growth.  Go figure.

Getting there was easy in the current dry weather.  The Mustang had no trouble negotiating the gravel roads once we left S.R. 65.  Not sure how it would fare after a heavy rain however.  Just use good sense.  Not too sure about cell phone connectivity there either, it seems to be more of a CB area.  Again, exercise good sense.

BTW, Florida Hikes is a pretty nice site that shows about all the hiking in the Apalachicola area, among all the other good wild places in Florida.  In particular, the High Bluff Coastal Trail looks interesting.  All in good time – and in much cooler weather.  In the meantime, dig around there for things suitable for adventures next fall.

One more thing to mention, those backroads through Tate's Hell look primo for gravel biking.  With the closest real mountain bike trails nearly two hours' drive away, this is something to keep in mind.

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