Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How the NYT Ruins Everything

As seen over at the Slate Star Codex blog:
NYT Is Threatening My Safety By Revealing My Real Name, So I am Deleting The Blog

I only found this blog a little over a month ago, via his sci-fi short story "Sort by Controversial" posted there.  If there's a concept of which everyone needs to be aware in this period of turmoil, it's the idea of "Shiri's Scissor" or "scissor statements" from that story.  (link to my all-too-brief discussion of this here)  Now it's gone.  Oh, I'm sure it's in some archive, somewhere.  (later: link to the short story at the Wayback Machine)  However the main written source of the idea is gone, and moreover its author is silenced.

The author has good and justifiable reasons for wanting to retain some small degree of anonymity.  For starters, he's a psychiatrist; other reasons are given in his farewell post, linked above.  A responsible news organization ought to understand such things and make allowances for them.  Evidently the NYT is no longer a responsible news organization.

I will have a polite message to the editor off later today (relevant contact information at the Slate Star Codex link above), and I hope that you can and will too.

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