Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Getting Ahead of Cascading Failures

Last Sunday's post was about fixing the (1) plugged drain on the under-hood airbox that caused (2) wet passenger side carpet and (3) a waterlogged cabin air filter leading to (4) not having AC or, even more importantly, a working windshield defroster, which potentially leads to all kinds of bad.  That was only a leisurely hour's worth of fixing.

However, as the old hard-pitch commercials used to say, But wait! There's more!  (5) The AC blower motor was rusty and unreliable from all the water it had ingested.  Tearing into a dashboard is usually nightmarish, but not on a Mustang.  Here's a quick video on replacement:

Total time, including the drive to and from the auto parts store, was right at one hour.  The actual install time was 15 minutes flat – and that was using a ratchet wrench, not the faster power drill in the video.  Didn't even have to empty the glove box.  Remember/note to self, 7mm socket for the glove box bolts, 8mm for the blower bolts.

I'm hoping that this gets the car ahead of this particular chain of fail.  Next up: install those door panels.

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