Sunday, June 2, 2024

Gravel Bikes

Last week I was asked, "So, what is a gravel bike?"  Well, this is a gravel bike:

And this is my gravel bike.  It's a few years old (so old that gravel bikes had not yet fully speciated from cyclocross bikes), and I'd really like to have disk brakes and run wider tires, but hey I've got it and a box full of parts, so I might as well enjoy.  Got to say though, $1.5k-$2k for that Breezer does sound mighty reasonable, and I fully agree with the video's "if I had to choose one bike" sentiment.

One more cool-factor thing, Breezer is the follow-on company from the guy who torched up what's generally recognized as the first made-for-purpose mountain bike frame in the lineage evolving up from the old Schwinn ballooners the Marin crew was using at the time, into ultimately became what we know today.  Here's Breezer's history page.

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