Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Quick Mention: New FT-710

I was having some trouble with the FT-1200's digital port and frankly just hated using the FT-891, so I traded them both in on a new Yaesu FT-710.  I'll post some more on that second one later (it's going to be pretty negative), but on to the new radio and the good news.  The FT-710 came in on Saturday, and now that I've made a few SSB contacts and gotten the digital inputs sorted out, I'll say that (a) the digital signal I/O port stuff easy enough to set up, (b) the noise reduction is amazing and extremely useful, (c) in a handful of contacts I've gotten good signal reports, and (d) I'm keeping it.  Lots to love about this radio, but also lots to get used to.  Control-wise, it's half-way between a tiny backpacker like the FT-857d and a full-size desk monster like the FT-1200.  For the moment though I'll just post some pictures and get on with the day.

Much handier size for my purposes, with everything I need plus a number of things that I don't.

However to be of any use it all it has to play country music.  Does it?  Damn straight.

Picks up WSM just fine.  Eddie Stubbs would approve.  Look at that beautiful double-sideband AM signal on the waterfall.

Much, much more to sort out on this radio, but the basics are all in place.  Two big questions are how much will I take it to the field, and is it enough to justify the expense and clutter of a roll cage for it?  Only time will tell.  Onward to other things for the moment.

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