Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hurricane Debby: And that was the storm that was.

Sure, it's not over for the East Coast, but for those of us here on the Gulf it's over.  Probably.  I've actually seen a tropical system hit the Mississippi Coast, circle up through Alabama and Georgia then into the Atlantic, re-cycle over Florida, and hit us a second time.  Crazy times.  But that's not what this post is about, it's about this data buoy that was right in the path of the storm west-northwest of Tampa.  Take a look at this wave panorama:

And that was when the waves were only about 13' high.  Before it was over they were in the neighborhood of 16'.  Not a good day for snapper fishing, not at all.

I still have a few more notes about this storm, mainly about 2m repeater coverage of Franklin County.  However I'll save those for tomorrow or the next day.  In the meantime I'll be getting some needed sleep.

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