Thursday, August 1, 2024

I Heard It Through the Grapevine

Here, first put on a little mood music.  OK, now get on with reading the post.

While doing a "walk around the yard" check on the HF antennas at the Franklin County EOC last week, I saw this problem and *ahem* solution on the longwire antenna:

One one hand, somebody working in the yard had cut the lower anchor line on the longwire.  It's OK though, because a helpful grapevine using the antenna for support already had a strong grip and became the new bottom anchor line.  Worked out in the end.  We weren't using the longwire for much anyway these days, other than occasional WWL New Orleans broadcast reception.  I'll probably just leave it up this way until we move the entire EOC in a year or so.

Weird stuff happens around here.  As another song says, "In the tropics they come and they go."

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