Friday, August 23, 2024

Replacement for the FT-817 on the Way in 2025

Just a brief mention of Yaesu's upcoming FTX-1F portable radio and link to the real story over at QRPer-dot-com.  Looks good, much like an FT-710 in a compact package.  I hope the UI is as good as the 710's.  I like the dual receive, that'll be handy for listening on the local repeater while working HF.  In keeping with Yaesu's policy of "Yesterday's Battery Technology, Tomorrow!" it has a Li-ion battery pack rather than stepping up to LiFePO4 technology.  Meh, good enough, I'm just pleased it's not Ni-Cad.  No front panel protection, and I'll bet the folks at Portable Zero are already working up a roll cage.

Now the next big question: Is Yaesu coming out with a 100 watt version?  That used FT-857d that I picked up in 2015 (my, how time flies) isn't going to last forever.

Finally, the really big question: Will I be replacing my FT-817nd with one of these?  Probably, eventually.  Will wait for the initial reviews to roll in, and will wait for this new radio to get past version 1.0.  Time will tell.

Arg, yet another radio post!  Tried going scalloping in St. Joe Bay this morning, but the wind was blowing about 20mph and things were too rough.  Walked up on the dune-over walkway and looked around at the beach, drove home.  Beautiful view.  Did I think to take a picture?  Of course not!  As the bards sang, "Hang it up, see what tomorrow brings."

ps 8/24: Some pictures of the back panel and various accessories.  I don't read Japanese, so make of it what you will.

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