Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Case of the Late Summer Busies

Many small things going on this week, and none of them were particularly interesting.  Easiest way to knock out a blog post is with a bullet list:
  • Work continues installing the radios into the FCEM mobile EOC trailer.  Painfully slow progress, but it doesn't help to rush these things.  Program and test gear, install a couple of items, measure for the next step; wash, rinse, repeat.  It doesn't pay to get too far ahead, because it's hard to guesstimate (say) coax cable lengths before we sort out where the radios and antennas are going.  And most of that is cut-to-fit work.
  • New tool bag!  Behold.  Just big enough to hold field electronics tool basics yet small enough that it's not bulky and not tempting to over-stuff.
  • I'm giving the mountain bike front brake one more good spray-down with brake cleaner before I either (a) order a bunch of new parts, or (b) take it to the shop and say "Here, y'all deal."  The squeal is only there under hard braking, but that's enough to make riding unpleasant.  Kind of a barking airhorn sound with a side order of fingernails on a chalkboard.
  • I really need to order some new mountain bike gloves and shorts, but I'm waiting until these brakes get sorted.  There's nothing so maddening as the one-week-later-oh-one-more-thing shipping charges.
  • Re-watched Sam Fuller's Big Red One, about one squad in the First Division during WWII.  Reportedly one of the few war movies that gets things about right.  In fact I watched it twice, once with and once without the restoring director's commentary.
After all that, it's been rainy and there hasn't been much chance to go biking.  Then there's what's showing in the embedded graphic, which may or may not amount to anything.  Let's hope that it doesn't.

Definitely September.  Stay tuned, because fall adventure weather is right around the corner.  I want to get a bunch of these lingering items wrapped so that I can go have some fun outside.  Soon.

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