Sunday, September 22, 2024

Somehow Not Quite Like Fall

It's not exactly the Dog Days of August, but on the other hand...

Not crisp hiking weather either.  Maybe in a couple of weeks we'll see lows touch the 60's.  In the meantime, hang in there, relief is on the way.  Real Soon Now.

One more thing, I've been hearing doom-saying about some thunderstorms down around Yucatan for a couple of weeks now.  Things aren't developing though, there's no directionality, and not even a whisper over at Tropical Tidbits or Weather Nerds.  Of course things can and will happen (Zeta 2020, I'm looking at you), and it is wise to keep an eye out, but now is not yet the time to worry this one.

Finally, go check out "Chicagohenge" over at APOD.  It's a copyrighted image, so I won't re-post  it here.  Only a click  away though, and it's quite a view.

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