Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Breathe In...

... breath out.  Hurricane's on the way to the general area, but at least for this evening there was time for an after supper walk.  ps Wednesday: read through to the end.

Just a nice thunderstorm over the Gulf, seen from safely on the mainland.

It's going to be a busy couple of days, maybe even weeks.  When there's a chance for a minute of peace, I'll be taking it.  Expect an update sometime this weekend.

ps Wednesday evening: Folks, I've got a hurricane on my ass right now, let's talk later.  I just worked an eleven hour day getting ready, and Thursday and Friday aren't shaping up to be a bucket o' roses either.  We can chat next week.  For the moment though, all my family is either evacuating or set to stay in hardened buildings.  I'll be at the county EOC (an ugly block building with a hardened roof) running radios and such.  We'll all be OK.

If you're a ham or just have an SSB-capable shortwave receiver, you might try listening in on 14.325 USB, 7.268 LSB, or 7.197 LSB.  If you have UHF, try listening on SARNET-FL (only listening! – it'll be closed emergency net for a few days).  The VHF Carrabelle repeater will probably be taken off-line for safe storage, but try again in a few days.

In the meantime, any well-wishes, prayers, or setting-aside of future gifts of rye whisky much appreciated.

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